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WAY.V Dropped a Color at NY NOW with Colorful Extra Soft Toothbrush

by Zach Miller 22 Aug 2023

wayv on NY NOW - main entrance

This season, the acclaimed NY NOW Exhibition saw WAY.V emerge as a standout participant, drawing the curiosity of industry professionals and general attendees with their vibrant 'Extra Soft Toothbrush.'

Hosted from August 13 to 16 at the Javits Center in New York, WAY.V's booth took its place within the Korea pavilion, where it showcased alongside other notable enterprises.

wayv extra soft toothbrush booth at NY NOW

wayv extra soft caught attendee's eye with colorful design and function at NY NOW

Attendees were particularly taken with the distinct color and design of the toothbrush. Its unique double-layered soft bristle, made out of PBT (click here: PBT vs Nylon; which bristle to choose from), offers gentle yet effective oral care. After sampling the product, numerous visitors extended their commendations for its performance and design.

wayv showed its presence at NY NOW

Beyond the product, deeper engagements with certain buyers highlighted their appreciation for WAY.V's compelling brand narrative and the evident synergy within our team.

The event provided a valuable opportunity for dialogue with both industry professionals and end-users, offering enriching perspectives on our brand direction and potential avenues for growth.

As we move forward, our commitment to exceptional color, function, and design remains unwavering. Armed with insights from the exhibition, we're enthusiastically refining our offerings, working on toothpaste as the new product.
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